Six Guns finally works on Low End android devices and This game is tested on LG Optimus One,Galaxy Gio,ACE and FIT,now it is also tested on QVGA Phones....
Review of Six Guns:
Game is so cool and graphics are awesome,i would give it 5 out of 5 in Graphics ,In story i think there is no story in this game because i have played it till 20 missions and do not understand any story yet,Its FPS Game,over all i will give 3 stars to this game because of 1 thing, all missions will come again and again with different levels so it will be so boring to play same missions again and again........
Download Link:
Six Guns Apk Download
SixGuns Data Files
Use pc to extract these files,put both files in one folder and extract any one file and you will get whole data folder of SixGuns
Install apk and place data folder to SDCard/Gameloft/Games/
Instructions for LG OPTIMUS ONE Users:
If you have a LG OPTIMUS one then you can play this game without needed of rooting just verify data using Wifi or GPRS and download 3 MB data and play the game.
If you do not have a LG Optimus One then use this method to play this game on your phone
1)You must have a rooted phone,download titanium backup from android market
2)Download THIS FILE and extract it,now put Titaniumbackup folder in SDCard/
3)Open titanium backup and tap on Backup/restore tab and Find SIXGUNS,and RESTORE DATA ONLY
4)Game will work,Enjoy
5)In this backup file i have used cheat for unlimited Gold+Stars so do not worry about it.
2nd Instructions:
If you are getting error that YOUR DEVICE IS NOT SUPPORTED PLEASE REQUEST FOR REFUND then use this Instructions
1)Download Es File Explorer From HERE
2) In ES File Explorer, go into Setting>Root Settings and enable both check boxes
3) Now Go to /system/ and copy/paste build.prop to /sdcard/ (it is backup)
4) Open & edit PhoneMemory/system/build.prop with ES File Explorer
5) Change the following lines to make your phone LG OPTIMUS ONE, ro.product.model=**** , In my case i change GT5670 with LG-P500 , (GTS5670=Galaxy fit)
6) Reboot the phone,and then go to settings>About check model, your phone is now LG OPTIMUS ONE,Now open the six guns verify data files it will ask you to download 3 mb ,select yes and download 3 mb and after finish downloading game will work,if you dont have a wifi then you can use this trick http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU9LaCaUMNc
and watch this video of how to edit build.prop file http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42FSaCP2f3o
If you are facing APPLICATION NOT INSTALLED problem then copy and paste Six guns apk file in PHONEMEMORY/system/app/ and restart your phone,six guns will be automatically installed in your phone.
Note:Dont be over smart and edit or delete anything from system folder,it may cause problems alot,so just follow instructions properly and just copy paste apk file and restart your phone,done
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ReplyDeleteI kind us du us dj I dude jsns didn't end did nudity industry